A Relationship that matters!
Love by Ambrose Bierce:-
A temporary insanity curable by marriage of by removal of the patient from the influences under which a person incurred the disorder.
This disease, like Caries and many other ailments, is prevalent only among civilized races living under artificial conditions, barbarous nations breathing pure air and eating simple food enjoy immunity from its ravages. It is sometimes fatal, but more frequently to the physician than the patient.
Projecting a higher dimensional perspective where we can represent time as a physical dimension, things appears to be as foolish as deprived of life. As we grow forward linearly in time, it gives me or probably many of us the perception of the best thing that had ever happened in our lifetime.
Meeting a girl, and attempts to face her again and again, finding excuses to talk to her are the initial baby steps in the process. Friends we have, are what we get pushed from and things starts to work out!
Getting close to your girlfriend is quiet cinematic and cosmic in itself (atleast for that time being right?), what Roland Barthes — Wikipedia talks about “amorous embrace” as this post-coital cuddling, inter-subjective ecstasy that we enter.
“The space of shared soul-smearing”
Romantic love is an investment, a leap of faith, it’s like looking a being as a god!. To fall in love is to enter the forever box with somebody else, it’s the sweeping swelling moment where the strings your heartstrings are pulled by the melody and we’re carried somewhere else. It’s when we exceed ourself, It’s like holy shit, nothing can be better than this!
To sum up in one liner, I remember a line from the movie.
“You’re waiting for a train, you don’t know where it will take you, but it doesn’t matter because you’ll be together” ~~Inception
Fast forward, unknowingly involved in unreasonable activities, and experiencing the godhood one never thought about the “where” did they came from?
Why do we love to cuddle?
Why do we give each other the baby names?
Why do we create a womb-like spaces of comfort and divinity for one another?
Alan Harrington said we’re trying to find escapes from despair, together we’re creating a shared universe where we can float above the clouds of entropy, about saving ourselfs from mortality.
Ernest Becker — Wikipedia classified it with the term “Gods with anuses”, we do everything we can to deny our creaturelyness.
Is it all true?
How do one be sure of not getting carried away under some opinionated philosophical theory?
Is it natural, universal to all human being?
Moreover, this cynical age as reduced love to nothing more than a neurotransmitter dopamine. Biochemically, no different than an addiction to cocaine.
Just imagine! a passionate love maker reduced to a coke head. WTF?
The cynical thing is about letting go of the ecstasy of love that inspired Romeo and Juliet and also the act of judging the way out to criticism, articulating the feeling of being inhuman about love relationship.
How can you blame a couple for squeezing tightly around one another?
How can you blame a couple for listing to a music and cry?
How can you blame a couple for making promises that, we’ll be together forever?
And their they say, we’re co-dependent! we’re weak!
what the fuck man, how could we forget that we are not alone, we’re all one.
It’s okay to be co-dependent!
Steven Pinker — Wikipedia in his “Blank Slate” analogously stated it as an induced act underneath which one grew and experienced in.
It seems like my whole imaginary world got crashed in another minute I created it, I lost my godhood in another moment I found it.
Maybe I was in too hurry to judge “Inception” about it.
maybe I was in too hurry to state people wrong about it!
What is the truth?
This hardship and the strong influence underneath the partner, addressing happiness at a speed of light passing the space of divinity in no time is Godhood. But,
Can a relation bear the burden of this godhood?
When gods eventually show their clay feet?
Will cracks in this perfect being reveal your own cracks back to you?
Who can bear the aging love, the end of honeymoon phase?
When we fail to produce enough dopamine to stay in this halo forever, We crash!
Breakups are death practice, we fall into the void!
Just Infatuation?
Where the “love” got vanished away?
Is Steven Pinker Justified?
Ernest Becker talks about Symbolic Death, we encounter a Symbolic Death.
How do we recover from this symbolic death?
How do we recover from that burning in the belly, that trauma that is so afraid of experiencing the death practice again and again?
How to contemplate the idea that there was a time when we were together, and now we’re not?
Miguel de Unamuno — Wikipedia said, nothing is real if it’s not forever.
at last. What is love?
Looking at the old photos, social profile, mutual friends, you or I shall say I can’t believe that there is a reality playing back there for me.
Seeing a replay of something that was real, tangible and solid.
What is all this?
Where did it all go?
What do we do? what the fuck do we do?
I am still mourning, I am still grieving for the love that I lost!
Is my yearning, to find that person again and to be absolved from my fears and to say to myself “I don’t know where this train will take me but it doesn’t matter because we will be together!” Justified?
How do I trust anyone now?
How do I trust the same god I formed myself and got abandoned from?
How do I form a new god when I know, this is all a sham?
How do I live in this world where there is no Godhood?
Taken form ~Jason Silva
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